Thank You for generously and prayerfully supporting
the ministries of Grace Point!
Your generous giving is a vital provision for all of our weekly ministries.
BRINGING Hope to the World
Missions: We partner with several excellent non-profit organizations who share the light of Christ all over the world. Over 20% of our general budget is allocated to supporting foreign and domestic missionaries on a monthly basis.
Children's Relief International in Dondo, Mozambique, Africa
Local Outreach: We love our local community and are always praying about ways we can bless them with God's love and provision. Every fall, we offer a Car Care Workshop for single moms to winterize their vehicles and partner with our local ministerial association to provide a community Thanksgiving meal. When our kids have a day off, we often load them on our bus for a WOW experience which includes projects like helping an elderly person with yard maintenance.
Washing a single mom's car after our crew winterized it for her
Helping our elderly neighbor clean up some weeds
Working with our community to install a new lawn for the local youth club
Grace Point is a collection point for Operation Christmas Child